Reading a ternary diagram
Reading a ternary diagram

In electronics, a flip flop or latch is a circuit that has two stable states and can be used to store state information. Red and black mean logical 1 and 0, respectively. The plot can be drawn by hand or by a… … Wikipediaįlip-flop (electronics) - An SR latch, constructed from a pair of cross coupled NOR gates. A plot is a graphical technique for representing a data set, usually as a graph showing the relationship between two or more variables. Plot (graphics) - Scatterplot of the eruption interval for Old Faithful (a geyser). In the bottom crystal (sliced), the seed is much… … Wikipedia In the top crystal, the seed (left from the black line) has same diameter as the crystal. In… … WikipediaĬrystal structure of boron-rich metal borides - Two single crystals of YB66 (1 cm diameter) grown by floating zone technique using (100) oriented seeds. For other logical symbols, see table of logic symbols. For connectives and operators in other logics, see logical constant. For connectors in natural languages, see discourse connective. Logical connective - This article is about connectives in classical logic. The entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction the variety of formal systems the specific nature of hebrew literary history … Encyclopedia of JudaismĪzeotrope - Vapor liquid equilibrium of 2 propanol/water showing azeotropic behavior An azeotrope ( / … Wikipedia PROSODY, HEBREW - This article is a survey of the history of Hebrew poetic forms from the Bible to the present time. These colors are generally obtained by alloying gold with other elements in various proportions. MetallurgyThis alloy shows… … WikipediaĬolored gold - Ternary plot of different colors of Ag Au Cu alloys While pure gold is yellow in color, colored gold can be developed into various colors. The alloy’s mechanical properties also show advantages over traditional zinc alloys for die casting. Superloy - The hot chamber zinc alloy Superloy allows the production of thin walled die castings with excellent tolerances. Magnetically disordered minerals (diamagnets and paramagnets)… … Wikipedia The contribution of a mineral to the total magnetism of a rock depends strongly on the type of magnetic order or disorder. Magnetic mineralogy - is the study of the magnetic properties of minerals. It is named after the Italian statistician Bruno de Finetti (1906–1985) and is… … Wikipedia A de Finetti diagram is a ternary plot used in population genetics. The curved line is the expected Hardy Weinberg frequency as a function of p. It graphically depicts the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle.… … Wikipediaĭe Finetti diagram - A de Finetti diagram. Solvent can be either the heavy or the light phase (extraction), and solute can be either the heavy or the volatil component (distillation).Ternary plot - A ternary plot, ternary graph, triangle plot, simplex plot, or de Finetti diagram is a barycentric plot on three variables which sum to a constant. Also shown is the binary system X-Y that contains the intermediate compound W. A ternary system that has a binary system with a compound that shows congruent melting (melts to a liquid of its own composition) is shown in Figure 5. Solute equilibium in the two phases is represented on mass ratio (or mass fraction) diagram.Ī column with agitated compartments, test, final and emptying tanks with two phases management in each of them.Īutomatic transfer of test to final tanks, level control interface, cascade compositions control (extract and raffinate) on input feeds.Ī packed column for liquid-liquid extraction, with two peristaltic pumps and gravity feed flowrate, hydraulic seal for the interface level, recipes for heavy phase and light phase, and outlet valves and bypass to final tank.Ĭoupled extraction and distillation columnĪn agitated extraction column, coupled to a distillation column for solvent and solute separation, and solvent recycle to the extraction. Crystallization in Ternary Systems that Contain a Compound that Melts Congruently. Q: no dynamics in this model, response time of mixing decanters being usually long due to high residence time!įor these models, solvent and diluent are considered non miscible. They can be displayed on equilateral or rectangular ternary diagram, or on the curve representing mass ratios in the two phases. Extraction stages may be counter-current or cross flow. This model solves the material balances (solute, solvent, diluent) and equilibrium of a liquid-liquid extraction with N theoretical stages. You can make your own extraction experiment, and see the representative points on the ternary diagram in real time. Loading sequences of the 5 liters funnel, agitation, settling, and discharge in two Erlenmeyer of about 2.5 liters. Counter-current or Crossflow mixer settlersĪ dynamic model of funnel with real-time visualization of the compositions of phases on the ternary diagram (equilateral or rectangle triangle).

Reading a ternary diagram